Just before we got Sadie, I thought--I'm about to finish a knitted tunic! (It's a
Nutkin variation in navy Briggs & Little Tuffy yarn, designed to stand up to hard wear in our household.) However, the tunic features pockets, and my house keys often wear holes in knitwear pockets. So, I sewed two little pocket inserts on my sewing machine out of matching cotton fabric remnants...but the tunic isn't done yet.

Since getting Sadie, it's been all about managing our new dog, our new dog with our old dog, twins, and household. Yesterday I did something crazy for myself. I went to my physio (physical therapy) exercise class. I crated Sadie and left her at home for about an hour and a half. When I got back, her brand new wire crate looked like this:
Shed pushed out the tray on the bottom, cracked and chewed it, bent the crate wires, and shredded towels and sheets that were both above and below the tray. Oh, and she finished the peanut butter in her chew toy Kong, in case you were wondering... (Yeah. Not good.) So, we've got a dog with (note irony) a little separation anxiety and some crate issues.
Since yesterday: We've bought a plastic hard sided, smaller crate. I've taken Sadie to the vet for a once-over, and for the short term, we're getting some nice drugs to help her calm down so she can be in the crate for a little while at a time, or to sleep in at night. --Ain't no way I am leaving this dog alone in our house, free range, if she can do this to a crate. We're doing more walks (vet approved, even though she just had spay surgery on Wednesday) and more training.
And last night, with the first attempt at calming drugs, new crate, etc., she was only quiet and calm on her own in the crate from about midnight until 5. I am tired.
So, new dogs cost a lot of money! Last month, I had a marvelous run of pattern sales over at
Loveknitting.com. I was so thrilled! Then, April came, and drum roll....on both
Ravelry and
Loveknitting, I have sold a total of ONE pattern this month. ONE! So, when the fees are taken out of that? It's worth about the same amount as ordering a single cup of coffee at a coffee joint. I emailed the Loveknitting folks, and it turns out they wrote something in a March newsletter that encouraged people to do a pattern search--and this helped knitters find my patterns. Since then, Nada.
To boost business, I took out a Ravelry advertisement for a few days. Lots of people are clicking on these ads...So this is a pitch. Are you a knitter? Do you like knitting my designs?

If so,
please share your projects on Ravelry, link to
my design pages, and feel free to talk up patterns you like to your knitter friends. ...Cause I have an expensive crate-eating dog over here....and I'm going to need more sleep before I can begin even thinking about writing more articles and patterns this week!
Soft Basket, featured in this photo, is currently filled with dog toys at our house.
Stripe Freestyle, in the ad below, is currently in use--the 6 year old in the photo is wearing it today at school!
Labels: Canadian designers, dog crates, dog toys, downloadable patterns, knitwear design, loveknitting.com, new dogs, Nutkin, pdf downloads, Ravelry, Sadie, shelter dog, writer's life