Dear blog readers, I am not sure how many of you are still out there! Some friends may still visit? It's hard to tell --I used to receive lots of comments and make conversation on every post. Now? Nothing. Hard to tell...So here are some updates from my world...
I made an unfortunate knitting project choice back in March. One of my twins asked for a gray sweater and I agreed to knit it during our most gray, long, wet, puddle filled and flooded time of year. True, the yarn is Polwarth wool so lovely and soft. It will make a nice dress sweater. I finished it on one of the first warm days and my kid didn't even want to try it on long enough for fit. Good news with twins is that if one does not want it, the other likely will...assuming it still fits somebody in the fall.
We also happened to hear about a new baby...so I made an "upsized" Worry Bear. I took the pattern for a small pocket sized bear, which is really supposed to meet specific needs for those with anxiety, sensory issues, autism, dementia, etc. and I knit it on #8(5mm) double pointed needles and I used three strands of sportweight yarn. Stuffed with wool, it will be perfect for a toddler to carry around or chew on.

The world news has also really gotten me down. I've struggled to keep cheerful. Our province has opened up to crowded events, without masks, despite an increasing rate of COVID deaths and health care cannot keep up. Meanwhile, war and gun violence are happening-completely avoidable deaths that politicians refuse to be mature enough to take prompt action on...people who can resolve conflicts peaceably seem to be in short supply.
When I'm particularly stressed by these things, I "make" a lot more...more sewing, spinning, knitting and cooking. To my surprise, I discovered I'd cranked out over 900 yards of 2 ply Clun Forest wool (Western Canadian wool) while processing bad news. I washed and skeined it, and? - have absolutely nothing planned for it. So, if you're taking on a big dyeing, weaving, knitting, or other project and could use handspun for it, let me know. Let's make a deal!
There's also been an uptick in special life events. Twins turned 11! Alas, the gelati cakes from the past no longer are made at our favourite shop, but birthdays continue. Mommy cake came to the rescue....although I truly failed "buttercream 101" in my 'breads and desserts' course in university...I made a big cake, and everyone seemed happy. Yes, this is true, I took an elective course in breads and desserts at the Cornell hotel school. Since I already knew how to bake bread, I ended up cranking it out to feed people during our labs and sales rather than getting tips on, say, icing application. That's ok though, even poor icing skills taste good and satisfy my household!
Work has been slower, despite the insistence that everyone is bouncing back now. It's kind of discouraging. Some of the markets I used to write for have stopped publishing or changed what they print. In one case, the publication's even been so disorganized or slow to respond that the short deadlines/low pay/weird responses have made it impossible to continue with them.
In any case, I still had wool to wash this spring, and surprise! I still know how...even if I wasn't able to write about it for publication. (This was the first of several loads for my household, no way I could do it one garment at a time...)
I'm also celebrating our glorious (and short) spring in Winnipeg.
Last but not least? I've had a very strange work email snafu...if you've reached out to me via email for work reasons since last October? I may not have your message! Last weekend, my account somehow disappeared messages from the last 7 months. No amount of customer service or 'restore' functions seem to be working. Please do reach out if you need anything! I'm still here, even after this new challenge.
It's been an important reminder, too. No matter how hard I'm trying, many things are out of my control. For instance, due to some infill construction near us, we have this large dead tree hanging over our power lines. It's not on our property, so legally, we can't do a thing about it, though of course, like losing work email in a strange blip, it's out of our control. We cannot fix this. So I'm trying hard to tilt my head, look at the blossoms in our yard, and hope for the best.
Labels: birthday, chocolate cake, clun forest, hand spinning, handspun, knitting, knitting design, Polwarth, spring, twins, washing wool, Worry bear, writer's life