Valentine's Day is a chance to show how much we value each other.
Today, my article about kidnapping, human trafficking and MMIWG (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls) went live here, on the Jewish Independent website:
When Joseph went missing
This is a serious issue, and it's not just something that happens to "other" people or other communities. Moms, daughters--our family members, people we value--are going missing.
Valentine's Day also made me think about how my household makes stuff to show we care about each other. This morning, one of my kids gave me a handmade beaded bracelet and a lot of art he's made me. I've hung up the art! I am wearing my "mom" bracelet!

In the last few years, I've focused on designing things and offering special releases and sales for Valentine's Day. This year, there's no new design and no 'special' sale. Why?
I've spent a lot of time reformatting older patterns lately so that
they are now Low Vision Accessible. This is a long process...I'm not done.
This means knitters with vision challenges can use a pattern with easier to read, larger fonts, single column formatting, no italics, and photo descriptions. It takes time to redo each pattern, but --I am doing it because I value all of us, and it would be great if all knitters could find patterns that they can read.

Reformatting these patterns also helped me to see that many of my patterns haven't sold a lot of copies, and perhaps they have only sold when they were on sale. I try not to make my patterns without a sale, they are accessible. However, the message sometimes seems to be that only things 'on sale' or 'free' are good. That message doesn't value me or my time or efforts, either.

My choice for Valentine's Day this year is to be proud of my
knitwear design work, to keep trying to improve it, and also, to stop 'de-valuing' it, too. So, no sale today. Does this mean fewer patterns sold overall? Maybe. Does it mean I earn less income from patterns? Yes...I'll need to find a way to make up that loss elsewhere in my freelance work. At roughly $5US a pattern, it is not an easy way to earn income, even without a sale.

However, we, as people, have great value. Everyone is important. I'm trying not to let financial issues get in the way of recognizing matter who we are or what we create. Each person has value and is a gift.
All of these knitwear patterns, including "Deir Hart" and the "Thump Thump Mittens"--are available

Ravelry and on
More importantly, let's value each other every day...not just Valentine's Day!
Labels: accessible knitting design, handmade, Jewish Independent, Low Vision Format, Maker, MMIWG, Valentine's Day, value, writer's life