coming back to earth
In other news, I had the dreaded CT scan on Friday, and it was surprisingly easy. Medical technology has really improved in the last 9 years. The comparable test I had often as a kid and into my twenties was called an IVP. This description of the test online is reasonably correct, except for the "painless" part. At least for me, those X-rays and the injection of dye ended up taking quite a while (several hours) and I had to fast, often holding uncomfortable positions in a cold room, for a long time. The worst part was when the radiologists looking at my X-rays would start literally yelling down the hall, "Hey Joe! Come check this out! This is pretty interesting..." Many doctors would congregate in the little radiology booth, checking out my plumbing while I lay there on the X Ray table, dang hungry and thirsty and feeling embarrassed. (while I look entirely like a regular person on the outside, those kidney defects are a bit uhh, unusual inside, but...they work.)
Anyhow, the CT scan took an hour from beginning to end, and showed that things appear to be working on my insides. Whew, what a relief! However, medicine is still an art, not entirely a science. Nobody can explain why I've had lingering pain or why it took so long to get better. At the moment when the specialist suggested just one more procedure, just to do more
Rest. Lots of liquids. Good food. Lots of staring into space, reading interesting books (I recommend Naomi Ragen's books) and doing minimal amounts of work. I imagine this old fashioned approach does work sometimes.
The professor suggested an ice cream cone to celebrate the success of all this medical testing on Friday, but even the local ice cream shop is closed for the unknown holiday of Dec. 28th. Grumble... Good thing we had treats at home. I mean, I'm all for religious holidays, I take them very seriously, even as an interested observer if, like Christmas, it isn't my holiday, but closing the ice cream shop until after New Year's? humph.
Some of those treats, which I've saved up for this time of year included Hill Creek Fiber Studio's new looms, which will be super for working up small squares and triangles. I'm thinking cotton napkins! At the top of this photo, you can see the silk scarves I bought. I wore them around the house. Nothing like a little silk to make me feel elegant while fending off winter doldrums. (dashing with sweat pants, let me tell you...)
Yesterday we ventured out for Greek food and to run a few errands as part of the effort to increase my strength after all this couch sitting. I scored 3 cashmere sweaters for $30 a piece. OK, I have a sweater fetish, I couldn't help myself. Two v-necks--one dark blue and one black, and a black hoodie. Wow. Don't worry, I spared you that photo. It was, umm, dark.