The comments in response to my last post were pretty interesting. I'm not, personally, an autograph hound. Like
Donna, I'm much more likely to buy a book or get it signed if I've heard the author speak. However, the signature itself doesn't mean so much for me...unless I've also had an exchange with the author.
Now, given the signature business I appear to be in, that might need some clarification! Here's why I feel this way. The professor and I read a lot. We have hundreds (if not thousands) of books. We buy lots of books and--here's the crucial part--we give away lots of books to our local library book sale once we've read them. For me, a great trip away includes chances to browse in a used book store or a great independent bookshop. I read a novel or two a week. We listen to audio books. We use reference books. Yet, we rarely pay full price for a book--simply because we go through so many. We aren't like Erasmus, who said, "When I have money, I buy books. If any is left, I buy food and clothes."
Why? Well, we probably like food too much. :) So far, the best meal this week? Homemade potato gnocchi, served with wild mushrooms and spring greens, sauteed in white wine, butter and a bit of cream. Mmmh.
That said, if we know the author, we pay full price. We'll buy two books. We believe in supporting other writers....and this is the perfect lead in...
I'm going on tour!! The below list is the "
Fiber Gathering tour" I've cooked up so I can see folks, sign a few books, and travel a bit. Since this tour is entirely funded by moi, I'm staying with friends and family. I'm limited in terms of time, money, and distance. Still, I'll be "getting around" in the next few weeks, and I wanted to answer the questions of those commenters (Mickey?!) who asked where I will be.
first, a 700+ mile drive east...
Thursday, April 30th, 7:30 pm
I'll be giving my first book talk in Northern Virginia! I'll be at
Temple Rodef Shalom in Falls Church, Virginia. This will be a special presentation prepared for the congregation where I grew up, complete with a trunk show and book signing. Everyone is welcome, it's free, AND I hear there will be snacks! Bring your knitting!
Friday, May 1, 2-5 pm
A book signing at
Nature's Yarns, a lovely yarn shop in Fairfax, Virginia...can't wait!
Sunday, May 3, 1-3pm
A book signing at
Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival in Howard County, Maryland. I'll be at
Carol Leigh's Hillcreek Fiber Studio. (I'll also be checking out the festival, so if you bump into me before or after the signing, say hey!)
(there will then be a short break to spend time with small nephews...)
On Wednesday, mid week, I'll travel to New England via plane. I'll spend a couple of days with my best friend, Dr. Anne, and her parents in Vermont. I'll probably see my Boston uncle, too...
Sunday, May 10th
I'll be at the
New Hampshire Sheep & Wool Festival. There will be a
Fiber Gathering book talk from 11-12pm, with a book signing to follow. From 1-4, I'll be teaching a workshop called "Taking Spinning Back to the Basics." If you'd like to work on your skirting, teasing, flicking, carding, and combing skills with raw and washed fleece, this class is for you!
On May 11th and 12th, I will journey back, via plane and automobile, from New England to the DC area to Kentucky.
On May 22nd & 23rd, I will be at the
Middle Tennessee Fiber Festival in Dixon, Tennessee. I'll be teaching "Taking Spinning Back to the Basics," doing the after dinner lecture (on fiber festivals, of course) and then doing another class called "Knit Green"--about fiber arts and sustainability-- the next day.
OK, that's May for you! I have a couple of local events lined up for June, and few things still remain to be scheduled, which I'll list later. I'm
not making any commitments beyond June, because (while we're still waiting for official notification), I'm planning to move to Winnipeg, (yup, that's in Manitoba, Canada!) in July/August of this year.
Note: These are photos of Harry, featured with his pink ball, and Sally, with her favorite sheep toy. I will miss them terribly while gone for two weeks solid. Luckily, the professor will be here to take care of them. He says they plan to stay up late, watch scary movies, and drink rootbeer...I guess I'll miss him too--just not the scary movies!So, will I see you on the May road trip? I hope so. Tell me in the comments, below!Labels: book signing, dogs, Fiber Gathering, road trip