Win Something!
Here's a sunshiney photo of my loom in action while I explain. I've still been feeling under the weather. I haven't been going out much and I'm a little lonely. I feel a bit teetery, like I'm sitting on a counter stool and my feet are dangling off the edge with no (steadying) floor in sight! I'm also trying hard to keep up with my work--including getting ready for the Handmade Holiday sale, put on by Manitoba Craft Council, which is taking place November 26th and 27th.
Comments on the blog have been few and far between for a while, so I was a slacker and didn't post as much as usual. (I find your comments and those interactions very encouraging. Otherwise, I don't much feel like posting sometimes!) I'm sorry for my silence over here, and I'd like to make that up to you. I figured I'd combine a few topics at once. Here it is:
I notice that a lot of people read my blog each day...but I don't actually know who most of you are. Are you friends and family? Fellow knitters/spinners/weavers? People who like dogs? People who like old house stories? People I met once? I wish I knew more. If only 3 people comment on a post left up for a week but 30 people visit each day...there are a lot of you out there who I don't hear from very often!
At the same time, the lovely folks at CSN Stores contacted me out of the blue and asked me if I'd like to give away a $45 gift certificate to any of their over 200 online stores on my blog. (They sell dog beds, kitchen tools, shoes, bar stools...and more!) Well, gosh--this seems like a really good time for someone to win a $45 gift certificate!
So, if you read my blog, and you'd like to say who you are, and why you visit the blog--I'd love to know. I will read everybody's comments and (assuming you actually say who you are and answer why you visit my blog) will enter you into a completely random drawing. Please leave your comment by next Monday afternoon - 3pm North American Central Time-, November 22nd. (I will hop on to the blog and officially close the drawing at that time.)
A few little notes:
1: Please be sure I will be able to contact you via your email address, blog, smoke signals, etc. Even if I know you in real life, I might not know your secret blog log in nickname, so be sure I can figure out how to find you!
2: CSN only ships to U.S. and Canadian addresses, and if you live in Canada, you may have to pay international shipping charges. (Sorry!) If you live farther afield, please feel free to leave a comment-I'd love to hear from you-but I won't be able to give you the gift certificate, as the shipping won't work out.
So, tell me, dahlink...why do you visit the blog? What interests you? I look forward to hearing from you! I hope you win the $45 gift certificate, too!!
Labels: gift certificate, giveaway, Handmade Holiday, loom
I love reading your blog ... it gives me such a kick to "know" you and wish we were all blogging back when y'all bought the yellow house! I still miss that house.
I love reading your blog to see what you're up to ... and hear about life in Canada ... and fixing up the old house ... and your work (I would love to weave, but will do it vicariously thru you for now!).
Hope all is well ...
My actual name is Kelly (Katz Blechl) McCullough. I am studying in the UK but my house is in the USA. I blog, spin, knit, crochet, dye, and practically every other craft imaginable (including chainmaille). I stumbled upon your blog through another person's blog roll. I enjoy reading blog in Gruml which does not count towards the people reading your blog physically. I like posts by different artists and stories give me inspiration!
I'm Charlene, and I like reading your blog because I love learning about other people and how they approach things. I'm basically shy so doing it online is great for me!
I think I may have said this before, but I like watching how someone experiences my home town, especially coming from somewhere so completely different. What's more interesting is finding out about all the artsy parts of the city that have come to be since I moved away, and that I had no idea existed! How cool is that?
Of course, I enjoy your fibre pursuits, and your explorations of your new home. The joy you project is infectious. :)
Joanne, I met you in Sedalia, MO at the Heart of America Sheep and Fiber Festival. You visited with my husband at the sheep judging. You were spinning brown wool on a Turkish spindle. Then I met you again at Estes Park Wool Market with Cathy Clark.
I'm a knitter and I've been spinning 3 years. Love to see what's going on in your life.
Hi Joanne,
I've been following your exploits since you gave me advice about our potential move to Bowling Green that didn't happen ...I too have enjoyed hearing about your life up north. You spurred me to tell you that we are finally moving, but to State College, Pa. (husband got a job at Penn State) ... a little closer to home in many ways!
My name is Geri Inglis ('geri' on Ravelry) and I live in Whitby, ON - 30 km east of Toronto on the north shore of Lake Ontario. I am an obsessive knitter and I began spinning about 1.5 years ago. I have also done some yarn dyeing and enjoyed that very much. I have done a bit of designing and teach knitting techniques at a LYS. I'm looking forward to KnitEast next October where I'll be taking a sock class with Cat Bordhi and a scarf class with Lucy Neatby.
I write a blog about my life as a retired high school teacher that's mostly about knitting ( I have been reading your blog for a year or so and enjoy reading about your escapades (fibre-y and otherwise) in Winterpeg. (LOL)
I hope you're feeling better very soon.
I'm Stephannie, StephCat on Ravelry. I've 'met' you through AKD. I enjoy your books and your blog. I love how candid you are.
I will try to comment more. :^)
hey there,
i'm Lee, and i met you in person at the Neepawa fibre festival. i mostly follow your blog for its fibre content... i figure yarn nuts should stick together :D
I saw your post over on Rav so will follow you and see what I like. Thanks for the giveaway!
knitterofhats on Rav
I started reading your blog when you lived in Kentucky and have continued to follow your adventures into Canada.
I am a knitter, spinner and hopeful weaver.
I miss it when you do not post! But, I have been a slacker lately myself, both my own blog and my reading of has been too hectic. I started reading your blog because of the yarn/fiber content, but find I enjoy whatever you write. Thanks for blogging and the giveaway!
I do a lot of lurking, although I really enjoy your posts on Fiber Traditions. You've had a lot of adventures and I admire your fortitude! I'm QuilterKat on Ravelry.
Hi Joanne!
It's Melissa from Fiber Traditions, also sometimes (rarely) found at I am a very infrequent blogger these days, so the idea of your not blogging for a week gives me some perspective on my lack of attention to my blog.
I love hearing about your fibery life and your dogs and living in Canada in an old house - all of it!
Because I consider you a friend, even if one I haven't met in person yet, and I'm interested in what you're doing. And one of these days we'll both be back home in the Wash DC area at once and actually get to meet in person!
Or Stitches West, should you be able to get there. Come!
--AlisonH at
Hi Joanne, my mom and I connected with you when you gave a presentation at Manitoba Crafts Council in Winnipeg Public Library. We really enjoyed your presentation on your Knit Green book.
I like to read your blog because I like to find out about crafting in the city. I'm 100% a knitter who has dabbled just a touch in crochet, but am curious about spinning and weaving. I like to read your stories about the projects you're working on and to learn more about other crafts that I might like to try some day.
I've been reading your blog since you started, and I greatly appreciate your efforts to keep blogging. Communication is a two-way street, but I have not always remembered that and made comments.
Hope you are feeling better!
I do read your blog fairly regularly. Since I'm a knitter and spinner and wannabe weaver, I drop by for a fix in all things fiber.
I don't know if I'll ever get to meet you in person but I feel like I 'know' you from reading your blog and your book (in my library!). If you ever come to Los Angeles I'll drive over to meet you!
Willow at
willowknits atyahoo dotcom
My name is Liz, and I'm just starting to learn about knitting! I found you through another knitting blog (can't remember which)!
Hey there! I'm Sarah. I've been commenting on and of for a while now. I think I found your blog, along with a few others, by clicking on "knitting" in the hobbies section. I'm not as involved with knitting anymore, but I still like to read what you're up to. I especially like the pictures you post, particularly the outdoorsy ones, since I am living in a city now and miss trees a lot! :)
I'm Jo Anne in Minnesota. I found your blog after seeing your book. I enjoy seeing projects that others are working on.
Joannewm on Ravelry
Comments are now officially closed for the gift certificate drawing. I will post a winner soon!
Thanks so much for commenting!
We have meet.
Thanks again for all your help with spinning.
Love visiting your blog. I am very interested in the fiber arts.
I also enjoy reading about what you are up to.
I live in Winnipeg. I am married, one Daughter (married), two Granddaughters and two lab dogs.
Hope you feel better soon.
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