The B-day Bash
So far, this has been a very nice birthday. Last night, my husband,brother in law, father-in-law, and their partners all took me out to Craft in NYC. This is a very fancy shmancy restaurant with a good name. (As in, Arts & Crafts?!) Everything had about 5 sticks of butter in it, no kidding, but the best part of dinner was dessert:bitter dark chocolate souffle, coffee crunch ice cream and cocoa nibsgranita. Yum. Today, the in-laws all had bagels and lox for brunch with me. Also good.
I hung out with Pickle the dog in Manhattan, too.
Annmarie, my friend who shares both an early January birthday and yarn shopping restraint, picked me up around 1:30 and escorted me to Knitty City and Yarn Company, two NYC yarn shops. There we petted yarn, talked about knitting,teaching and life and did not buy any yarn!! (amazing, actually, and we are so proud of ourselves.)
We also went to a used book store for a little, ate gelato together (mine was pink grapefruit and coconut,hers was grapefruit and mango) and then Annmarie escorted me back to Pickle's apartment (really the brother in law's).
Our two hour adventure exhausted me completely--I still have no stamina from being sick--so I slept for an hour
and a half. My family made my b-day dinner while I was sleeping! It was all good, but funniest was the chocolate birthday cake. They somehow misunderstood the icing directions I'd explained to them and whipped cream and put chocolate flakes in it. It was good, but uhh, not like icing. (love you, professor and sister-in-law. There's a reason why brother-in-law Ben and I are the main cooks!) That's the day so far. Now I'm looking forward to going to sleep early! Hugs to all of you who wiggled along with me in celebration of my book submission deadlines...and thanks for all the b-day good wishes.
Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like you have had a really good day so far.
...'yarn restraint'.....No, don't understand ...!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday - and what a lovely way to spend it. I'm happy that you are showing yarn restraint (so far, so good) til you get to NZ.
Happy Birthday!
I hope the new year is full of rest and relaxation amidst success!
HEY! Happy birthday! And congratulations on sending in your last pattern. I miss a couple of days, and you have all these posts. Hope you're feeling well. You look great!
Happy happy birthday! May the coming year be your best ever, with lots of fiber, fun, love, good health and prosperity!
Happy b'day! Keep celebrating. You can extend a birthday for quite a while.
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