Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Ahh, the cool!

We are celebrating air conditioning around here! My nice repairman came out and discovered we had a wire short in our wall. When the thermostat triggered the air conditioner, both the heat and the air conditioning came up at the same time. No wonder it never got cool in here! He will come back to fix the wiring, (he just disconnected the heat) but in the meanwhile, we are ever so much less humid and more comfortable now. It was in the '80's when I took my dog walk this morning, and it's headed over 90F later on. Not quite summer, but warmer than you'd want in the upstairs of my house without air conditioning...And while I tolerate heat well, it is definitely not something I really enjoy. Give me a 70 degree day of sunshine or a snowy day anytime in exchange, you folks in Michigan or the UK!

I loved all those comments! If I have your email or blog address, I try to email you or pop over to leave notes on your blog. It is a wonderful form of socialization for me, lone writer woman, during this season where the professor is off doing field work much of the time. (Today, he is in the wilds of Paducah, KY, where cell phone service is intermittent. He's to be home late tonight.)

Lately there's been a meme going around that asks what people do in a day. I've not been invited to do it, but I idly thought it over:
-cooked collards for dinner last night and ate ice cream for dessert
-wrestled with a Fed Ex delivery (will I ever be here to sign the darn form, and don'tcha know I am home about 23 hours of the day?!)
-knit and blocked part of a "secret" project
-couldn't sleep last night so I stayed up late reading..
-overslept this AM
-rushed through my mile long to be home for that dang Fed Ex package! The humidity was so bad that I got blisters from my old worn in sandals. Feet were that hot. ouch.
-edited parts of my "author review" for Fiber Gathering
-posted to the blog, with these fab photos of true enjoyment--dog belly scratching moments, courtesy of my models and faithful friends, Harry and Sally!

So, did you do anything exotic or interesting in the last day or two? Tell me all about those belly scratching moments of bliss, ok?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What blissful looking dogs! Our Toby (Aussie mix) likes to snooze in that position as well.

It's hot & humid in Missouri too - looking forward to seeing you in Columbus!

June 4, 2008 at 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that was strange - it took off with the comment before I finished - eh?

June 4, 2008 at 2:30 PM  
Blogger Joanne said...

Oh, but I'm not going to TNNA in that what you meant? Sorry about that...lots of other excitement behind the scenes here at home!

June 4, 2008 at 3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recommend collaring the Fed Ex guy/gal and asking for the form you can fill out saying they can leave packages without your signature and you won't sue them. Works for me.

Not so sure collards and ice cream works for me, though. ;-)

June 4, 2008 at 4:43 PM  
Blogger cyndy said...

Rainy and in the middle 50's here I'm wearing a sweater! They say the warm weather is moving in and will be here for the weekend. Glad to hear your thermostat is on the mend ;-)

I've been busy trying to squeeze in every last bit of daylight with planting the corn, beans and squash (oh my back!)

June 4, 2008 at 6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm madly trying to get ready for my in-laws arriving tomorrow at noon at the airport. For ten days. For so long for a good reason: they're trying to stay out of the way of my son and his new bride, who are living in their house near DC for their first month of married life.

I figure once the folks get here either I'll knit like crazy or I'll go crazy not getting to knit. We'll see which. Wish me luck.

(Okay, Blogger insists I can't type their letterscramble. If you get this thirty-leven times, I apologize.)

June 5, 2008 at 2:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moments of bliss? Well, it's sad I know, but yesterday's best moment was sausage and mash for dinner :-) It's like a little piece of childhood (although the sausages taste way different here) but I don't make it often as Neil is not really a sausage fan.

How hot is 70? The rain seems to be hiding today and the sun's out - maybe 23C, I have my suspicions however and will not be leaving the house without an umbrella!

June 5, 2008 at 3:29 AM  
Blogger annmarie said...

Just turned the ac on for the first time this year last night after a humid, sleepless and uncomfortable night before last. I'll take balmy, dry days over the heat and humidity of a nyc summer any day!
I work in an non-air-conditioned school and it's getting pretty sticky around here, and we still have three weeks to go...

June 5, 2008 at 12:27 PM  

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